
Tropical Checkered-Skipper
Pyrgus oileus

Tropical Checkered-Skipper is common in the Coastal Plain, uncommon in the Lower Piedmont and rare farther north as a stray. The first state record is from Seminole County in 1995 (John Calhoun). The habitat is almost any open area. The hostplants are arrowleaf sida (Sida rhombifolia) and other sidas. There appear to be three broods: the first occurs from late May (May 23, Echols County and Taylor County; May 28, Sumter County) to late July (July 28, Sumter County); the second occurs from mid-August (August 12, Dooly County) to late September (September 27, Liberty County); the third occurs from mid-October (October 14, Bibb County; October 17-18, Jones, Monroe and Upson counties) to late November (November 17, Ware County). Conservation Status: Secure.

Georgia County Records

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