#1 Reversed Roadside-Skipper, male, Bartow Co, 20 May 2010.JPG

Reversed Roadside-Skipper 
Amblyscirtes reversa

Reversed Roadside-Skipper is rare in the Mountains, Ridge and Valley and northern Piedmont south to around Atlanta. Because it was once considered a color variety of Carolina Roadside-Skipper, our early records are not reliable in determining the distribution of the species. Recent reliable records show that the habitat is riparian corridors with abundant stands of the hostplant switch cane (Arundinaria tecta). They often stray some distance in search of nectar. There are two broods: the first occurs in May (May 8, 20, 24, 26 Bartow County) probably extending into very early July; the second occurs in the second week of July (July 11, fresh male, Bartow County) to August 2 (Fulton County). Conservation Status: Probably secure.


Georgia County Records

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