
Juvenal’s Duskywing Erynnis juvenalis

Juvenal’s Duskywing is common to abundant in the Mountains and Ridge and Valley. It occurs statewide but is less numerous in the Coastal Plain. There is a single brood in spring that begins in March (March 10, Macon County) and continues through April (April 23, White County), with a few stragglers in early May (May 5, Muscogee County). The habitat is open deciduous and mixed forests and roads and trails through them, as well as sandhills. The hostplants are oaks and scrub oaks including white oak (Quercus alba) and probably blackjack oak (Quercus marilandica). The frequent identification confusion between Juvenal’s Duskywing and Horace’s Duskywing is relatively short-lived. In most years, Juvenal’s and Horace’s are on the wing at the same time only from about mid-April until early May. Early Date: March 10 (Macon County); Late Date: May 4 (Muscogee County). Conservation Status: Secure.


Georgia County Records

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