
Clouded Sulphur
Colias philodice

Clouded Sulphur reaches the southern end of its U.S. range in Georgia and is locally common to uncommon in the Mountains and Ridge and Valley, uncommon in the Piedmont and rare in the Coastal Plain. The habitat is open disturbed areas, grassy fields and meadows. Some off-white females are perhaps inseparable from off-white female Orange Sulphurs (Glassberg, A Swift Guide to Butterflies, 2012). The hostplants are white clover (Trifolia repens) and white sweetclover (Trifolia alba), plants in the pea family (Fabaceae) and other legumes. There are two broods: March to May and August and September, with rarities in deep South Georgia later in the fall. Early Date: February 28 (Rockdale); Late Date: November 11 (Baker County). Conservation Status: Secure.

Georgia County Records

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