#1 Clouded Skipper, male, Bartow Co, 4 Oct 2017.JPG

Clouded Skipper 
Lerema accius

Clouded Skipper is common statewide, but it does not tolerate cold well and probably repopulates some of our northern counties in early summer. The habitat is wet grassy areas, fields and roadsides. The hostplants are St. Augustine grass (Stenotaphrum secundatum), woolly beard grass (Erianthus alopecturoides) and other grasses. There are two broods: the first flight occurs in the Coastal Plain along the Florida line in March (March 19-27, Grady County) and continues into early July (July 11, Dougherty County); the second longer flight occurs from mid-to late July (July 24, Sumter County, July 18 Bartow County) and continues into early November (November 5, Dade County). It is flying somewhere in Georgia in all months from March to November. Early Date: March 19 (Grady County); Late Date: November 15 (Harris County and Webster County). Conservation Status: Secure.


Georgia County Records

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